
Panic Attacks : Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Panic Attacks : Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

A sudden overwhelming feeling of acute and disabling anxiety becomes a very common problem now days. Uncertain circumstances in life can cause these kind of mental...

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Personality Disorder : Causes & Symptoms
Personality Disorder : Causes & Symptoms

Personality describes the combination of thoughts, emotion, behaviors that make you unique. It's the way you see, comprehend and identify with the outside world, and in...

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Planning to Conceive
Planning to Conceive

The baby making, the most beautiful thought of the life. Getting pregnant may turn your entire living from your body to your health, to your relations, to everything...

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Plastic Surgery: Benefits & Risk
Plastic Surgery: Benefits & Risk

According to the “American society” plastic surgery becomes very popular in 2007 and 11.7 million procedures were done this year. The plastic surgery word originated from the Greek...

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Playing "Pokemon Go" Game is Good for Health
Playing "Pokemon Go" Game is Good for Health

The "Pokemon GO" game has made the headline in most cities of the world, for its unique game playing structure. Pokemon Go is the great success of Nintendo...

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Pregnancy Diet and Nutrition
Pregnancy Diet and Nutrition

Diet and Nutrition is important for baby’s nourishment during pregnancy. Whatever mother’s eat and drink during pregnancy will affect the health of the baby. The mother has to...

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Pregnancy Tips
Pregnancy Tips

Pregnancy is a state in which a woman carries a fertilized egg in her abdomen. Desirous of making a baby can encourage couples to lead a healthy...

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Pros and Cons of Eating Red Meat
Pros and Cons of Eating Red Meat

Red Meat is also known as Dark Meat, a category that includes meats that are dark before cooking. It can come from mammals such as beef,...

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Remedies for Acidity
Remedies for Acidity

Acidity becomes  extremely major problem for each aged person. This is caused due to taking an unhealthy and a large meal. If we take exercise or a walk...

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