Conjunctivitis - Causes & Symptoms

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface. This is a very common eye problem which is usually goes away in a few days without any medical treatment. But, sometimes it becomes bigger and disturb our daily working life, both personal or professional. At that time, it became necessary to seek an eye specialist to cure it. Read these following causes and symptoms which will help you to identify, whether you need an eye specialist or not.

Causes of Conjunctivitis

Viral Conjunctivitis: Pink eyes can be caused by viral conjunctivitis, common virus. This highly contagious acute infection can be caused irritation and watery discharge in the eye. It can be spread by coughing and sneezing. Usually, it will clear on its own within a few days without any medical treatment.

Bacterial Conjunctivitis: It is caused by bacteria and may affect one eye or both. It produces thicker yellow-green discharge in the corner of the eye. It is more common in children than adults. To get rid of this, you need eye drops or ointments with the suggestion of an eye specialist, to be applied into your affected eye three to four times a day.

Allergic Conjunctivitis: It is caused by eye allergy that happens due to several factors such as dust, pollen, pollution, animal dander and many other pollutants. That is not contagious infection and mostly effected on both eyes. That should be removed, once the allergy treated. For better result, consult with your eye specialist because sometimes it becomes very critical to resolve.

Symptoms of Pink Eyes

When redness seems in the white part of the eye, considers as the most common symptom of the pink eye.

Watery discharge is produced in the eye.

Fell irritation, Itching and burning in the eye.

Green-yellow or white discharge from the eye.

An eye pain is another common symptom of pink eye.

Swelling of the eyelids.

A gritty feeling.

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