Stress” is a kind of condition in which one feel threat of any kind of happening or not happening of an event. When you feel anxiety or threaten, your nervous system usually releases stress hormones, which are dangerous for your health.
There are several symptoms of “stress” from which some are listed below:
Inability to concentrate
Negative thoughts come frequently
Irritated behavior all the time
Feeling short tempered
Generally, you eat more or less in stress
Isolating oneself from others, does not want to engage in any activity
Rapid heartbeat, sometimes feel chest pain
Acne and pain
Loss of sex drive
Sleeping problems
Digestive problems
Whenever you feel stressed, kindly visit the doctor. Stress affects mental and physical health problems.
How to deal with stress?
One can use several methods to deal with stress, which are listed below
Engage yourself socially, express your feelings with someone is a positive sign of healing yourself
Listening to good music you like
Eat healthy diet, including fruits, vegetables
Sleep enough, get at least 8 hours of good sleep
Start doing exercise or walking, which can help you physically
Give time to your fun activity
At last consult doctor in case any problem occur due to stress.