Stories Behind Your Favorite Logos

Ever wondered how the famous companies came up with their logos? Let us take a look at the stories behind their inception.

  • Amazon: The online retailer has an arrow in its logo that looks like a smiley face. It represents Amazon’s aim to keep its customers happy. The arrow points from A to Z which indicates the wide range of items available for retail by Amazon, ranging from A to Z.


  • Apple: Its famous logo represents the forbidden fruit from the 'Tree of Knowledge'. The bite in the apple symbol signifies a computer byte.


  • Toyota: The three ellipses in the logo represent three hearts: the heart of the customer, the heart of the product, and the heart of technological progress and the boundless opportunities in the future.


  • IBM: In the right bottom corner, the white lines passing through the logo give the appearance of the equal sign. These represent equality.


  • AT&T: The logo is three-dimensional. It shows the growing depth and breadth of services the new AT&T would provide to its clients.


  • Adidas: The Adidas logo represents the obstacles in the form of a mountain. People need to overcome these to find success.


  • Google: By using four primary colors in a row and then breaking the sequence by a secondary color, Google showed that they don’t play by the rules and are playful.


  • BMW: The white and blue color pattern in logo depicts a propeller in motion, with the sky peeking through; to celebrate the company’s history of aviation.


  • Audi: In its logo, each of the hoops represents the four founding companies – DKW, Horch, Wanderer and Audi.


  • Mercedes-Benz: The logo has a star which represents the company’s dominance in style and quality over air, land and water.


  • Volkswagen: The ‘V’ in ‘volks’ stands for people in Germany. ‘W’ depicts the ‘wagen’ which means car. When combined, it means the car for the people.


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