Top Ten Things to Keep in Mind to Stop Violence
Violence can occur at every stage of life. Arguments can happen anytime and with anybody. There are many ways to stop violence and few are listed below:
  1. Settling the arguments with words, avoid any weapon.
  2. To avoid arguments stay away from the fight or the thing bothering or lead to fights.
  3. If you find any crime happening nearby to your place, just report to the police.
  4. Don’t use alcohol and other drugs. Stay away from the places and the people uses them.
  5. Help to the young children avoid crime and set a good example.
  6. If someone tries to abuse you, say No to that person and step out from that place.
  7. Never go out with someone you and your parents don’t know.
  8. Stick or have friends who also stay away from violence.
  9. Don’t open the door for any unknown person.
  10. Get involved with friendly activities and set the example of your friendly nature.

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